Thursday, May 17, 2007

Global Warming

Like I said before, I don't believe in "global warming". Humans are not causing warming of the planet. The planet has been getting warmer and colder for as long as it has been around and it will continue to do so. Anyway, yesterday I was talking to some people who believe in global warming, and when I mentioned the very cold April we had this year in Pennsylvania, they said it was because PA is in a jet stream that will actually cause the state to get colder as the planet gets warmer. I have no idea how that even resembles logic. Then I talked to others who told me that global warming was going to cause global cooling. I don't even want to try to attempt to make an effort to understand that. If anyone can tell me what the heck they are talking about, it would be much appreciated. "Till next time.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Fun Fact

For all of you that think Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, to do so he would have had to shoot the President, firing 3 shots in a matter of seconds, stash the gun at the other end of the building, run down 6 flights of stairs, get a Coca-Cola from a vending machine, and be standing calmly, not out of breath, or pale, or sweating, or slightly anxious, or afraid, less than 2 minutes later when a police officer entered the building and briefly questioned him. Just something to think about. 'Till next time.

Car Emissions

I just read from the Stokely News Service (from Google News) that California is ticked off at President Bush because he won't act quickly enough to stop the "evil big business" that is auto making from producing their cars which AREN'T ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE!!!! Bush wants to put voluntary controls on said companies. That means that they don't have to stop making their less environmentally safe cars, but they can if they want to. I am sick of hearing about how we are killing the planet. Enough!
Do you want to know why the auto companies are producing those cars? Because people buy them and they make money. Crazy concept I know. You see, in theory, if soooooooo many people hate these cars, they would stop buying them. This would cause the auto companies to stop selling them because doing so makes them lose money. The fact that this isn't happening tells you 1 of 2 things. Either a) the people who talk about the US killing the environment are the same ones who buy these cars, making them hypocrites, or b) the media is blowing this whole thing way out of proportion and there really isn't much (if any) damage being done to the environment. My guess is c) all of the above.
The bottom line is that Bush is doing the right thing, and the biased liberal media is against him. I can understand how people who don't know much about the issues and just listen to the media can think he is a terrible president. All they do is bash him. They would be on his side if he was Clinton. Of course Clinton wouldn't have done this, so bad example. 'Till next time.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The grand first post

Hello there, everyone. This is the my first post on this blog. Right off the bat, here are some of my views.
  1. I do not believe in "global warming".
  2. I think that there is a conspiracy involving the number 23 (seriously).
  3. I am against illegal immigration.
  4. I am for Michael Savage running for President.
  5. I do not think George Bush is stupid, a terrible President, or both.
  6. I do not think entering Iraq was a mistake.
  7. I believe in aliens.
  8. I hate the fact that 95% of media is very liberal.

Well, those are my views, and I suppose soon I'll be giving reasons and evidence to support them. If you disagree with me, post anyway, as I'm looking forward to some debating. 'Till next time.