Thursday, June 7, 2007

Illegal Immigration

Hey! I know I haven't posted in a while, so sorry. Anyway, back to illegal immigration. I just read an article that regards the Z visas that will be given to illegals if the illegal immigration bill passes. These are temporary, as they only last for four years, but they can be renewed at any time. So really they're permanent temporary visas. Try to wrap your head around that one. And there' s no limit to how many can be given out. Can anyone say overpopulation? Oh, and going to the 2008 election for a sec, don't vote for McCain, because he's one of the ones who made the immigration bill. Also in the bill, it only gives the government one business day to have a backround check on the person, which greatly increases the chances that terrorists will now be legal citizens. But wait! I also heard that the government is trying to make being legal and being a citizen two different things. What?! Yeah, that's how screwed up our government is today. 'Till next time.


Anonymous said...

Why have you not posted? I really miss your blogs about current events with a refreshing conservative spin. PLEASE continue blogging!

Anonymous said...

So what is your take on the 2008 Presidential election so far? Which Republican are you hoping will win?

Anonymous said...

Hm..things aren't looking good for the election. Now that Mitt Romney has dropped out and we're pretty much left with John do you think this will end up?